Dear friends of the Amazon forest,
WHEN: 11 - 14.8.2017
WHEN: 11 - 14.8.2017
the time has come to reunite around the sacred space and pray, sing and be part of the joyful Huni Kuin tradition from the tropical rainforest.
We invite you to spend 3 nights and 4 days in the company of contemporary shamans of the ancient tradition.

09/08/2017 - concert HUNI KUIN music and Rape sacred circle, Ljubljana,
Parinama Center, Cesta na brdo 85,
30 euros, 20:00 info & tickets
Parinama Center, Cesta na brdo 85,
30 euros, 20:00 info & tickets
11 - 14. 8. 2017-4 day Huni Kuin retreat camp - for info and registration contact, the location will be transmitted by personal contact. The retreat is also possible to visit for only one or two nights.
You can fly directly to Ljubljana or even cheaper is to Venice, where we organize a 20 euro per person, transport to Ljubljana. It takes max 2 hours. You can stay for the rape prayer circle on the 9th, have a hangout day in one of the cutest medieval cities in Europe and later a drive to the ceremony place. Slovenia is very small so the driving is not long anywhere. The energy is very shanty and quiet. When Txana Ikakuru was already here one time he saw gold pouring down on us. It is a sacred place where people are still very much connected with nature and its secrets.
You can fly directly to Ljubljana or even cheaper is to Venice, where we organize a 20 euro per person, transport to Ljubljana. It takes max 2 hours. You can stay for the rape prayer circle on the 9th, have a hangout day in one of the cutest medieval cities in Europe and later a drive to the ceremony place. Slovenia is very small so the driving is not long anywhere. The energy is very shanty and quiet. When Txana Ikakuru was already here one time he saw gold pouring down on us. It is a sacred place where people are still very much connected with nature and its secrets.
Txana Ikakuru and Isarewe Huni Kuin belong to the Kaxinawa tribe from the Brazilian rainforest. They are bringing to our lands a deep and powerful healing work, their instruments are ancient songs and prayers of the rainforest. You are invited to join us in this amazing and magical possibility of learning, healing, to connect with the divine and experience expansion of consciousness. Masters Shamans are traveling around the world in order to treat with sacred plants and the expansion of its ancient knowledge and cosmology of their tribe. They come to raise the vibration, heal us and support our Pachamama - beloved mother earth.
Slovenia will receive the purity and source of precious treasure of humanity that is still intact and safe hidden in the Amazon jungle. The tribe is imbued with the spirit of the beautiful rainforest, which carries the knowledge of long lasting tradition. Their culture is closely intertwined with the wisdom of the forest, rivers, plants, trees, animals, and other elements. They are the guardians of wisdom of the Amazonian rainforest. Their knowledge of the preparation of medicinal plants is broad and ancient. It is a valuable tradition, carefully protected. With their participation also we from the West help preserve the tradition of our Mother Earth and our brothers and sisters from the Amazon, who are fighting to preserve the Amazon rainforest. Tribe Huni Kuin call themselves real people. They are imbued with love and compassion. They are coming to help us to reconnect with our roots and our ancestors.

And this year we’ll have the special presence of 2 Huni Kuin Kaxinawa women's coming together in the tour from the tribe to share their knowledge, sacred body paintings, and sacred songs & chants from the woman’s tradition, and will be supporting the tour with the feminine Huni Kuin energy.
Dani Shawãrakani is a artisan specialized on the sacred Huni Kuin arts with beads and weaving, and she's also studying the medicinal plants with her mother, she is the wife of Vinicius, and she comes from Boa Sorte village which are located in Humaitá, Huni Kuin land in Acre, Amazon. This is her her second time traveling outside Brazil, to share her knowledge from the Huni Kuin sacred feminine.
Buke Inani is Txana Ikakuru's wife's, she lives in Boa Vista Village, and she is master on the Huni Kuin arts with beads & weaving, this will be her first time traveling outside Brazil, and will be supporting the tour with her presence and sharing sacred chants & songs from her tradition, and performing tribal body painting.
They will come to Europe in this summer to channel healing to hundreds of
people with the use of sacred plant medicines and through ancient dances and chants/ beautiful songs/arts.
They come to spread their message, love and wisdom and to teach the
ancient ways and cosmology of their tribe.
The Kaxinawá Tribe or Huni Kuin (true people) as they calls themselves, are a remote and ancient tribe situated deep in the Amazon Rainforest between Brazil and Peru, and are in neighboring territories to the Asháninkas, the Yawanawa and Madijá Tribes.
In the Kaxinawá society a Shaman is known as a 'Pajé'. The Pajé has the spiritual power to heal and cure people; they is the middleman between this plane of existence and the spiritual realms. The shamans communes with the spirits & plants. Luckily as they are so remote in the Amazon, the missionaries did not make it them to try and convert their tribal beliefs, so their wisdom has stayed mainly intact. Today they face many new and immediate problems arising, threatening their ancient tribal way of life, as they are surrounded by the destruction of Mama Amazon, the sacred plants, trees and animals and ecosystems and the many rivers begins to encroach on their territory.
In the Kaxinawá society a Shaman is known as a 'Pajé'. The Pajé has the spiritual power to heal and cure people; they is the middleman between this plane of existence and the spiritual realms. The shamans communes with the spirits & plants. Luckily as they are so remote in the Amazon, the missionaries did not make it them to try and convert their tribal beliefs, so their wisdom has stayed mainly intact. Today they face many new and immediate problems arising, threatening their ancient tribal way of life, as they are surrounded by the destruction of Mama Amazon, the sacred plants, trees and animals and ecosystems and the many rivers begins to encroach on their territory.
The Huni Kuin receives their knowledge and wisdom over many thousands of years from the forest, the rivers, the plants, the elements, trees and animals. They are the true caretakers and protectors of the Amazon forest and their medicines.

Their knowledge on the preparation of the Amazon medicinal plants is vast and ancient, they know a cure for every condition, be it mental, physical
or spiritual, this knowledge must be protected and their ancient way of
You have an incredible opportunity to heal with them, they will be in the UK and other countries in Europe during this Summer holding Retreats, workshops, talks, one to one healing's, and much more!
Prices include teachings about amazon plants, individual cure treatment, body paintings, camping, food,.....:
1 night 170 euros
3 nights 450 euros
For more info please contact us at
Haux Haux
Eskawata team