After an incredible 2017 Europe Tour, we are truly blessed to have the Kaxinawa’s – Huni Kuin’s returning in July, August & September to carry on the profound healings, messages for the planet and tribal teachings. For those of you that attended last year’s retreat’s with them you will know how profound these sacred traditional circles are!

We are overjoyed at their returning and this time bringing together Tuwe Huni Kuin, which are another important Spiritual Leader of the Huni Kuin people from Novo Futuro Village, Acre and this year together also with one Huni Kuin Woman from the tribe to also bringing the female Huni Kuin power to carry on the powerful healing work with the Huni Kuin Indigenous!
Txana Ikakuru lives in his native Huni Kuin village in the Upper Jordão River located in Acre - Amazon, Brazil. He is the grandson of Romão Sales (who was one of the main guardians of the sacred and ancient Huni Kuin chants of Nixi Pae) and grandson of the 105 years old Master Kaxinawá Shaman Mukaya (In Memoriam). Txana Ikakuru was chosen by them to carry the ancient Huni Kuin lineage of the sacred chants of the Nixi Pae & the healing knowledge.
He is the Spiritual Leader and Pajé of his village Boa Vista, and he is the co-organizer of the Nukun Dewe Festival in his village, and President of their Indigenous charity Yube Inu. His knowledge on the medicinal plants, sacred chants, and healing arts is vast. And we truly honored to having him returning to Europe for the 4th year to share his ancient knowledge and sacred chants.
Tuwe Huni Kuin is a Spiritual Leader and one of the Pajés from the Novo Futuro Village, located in the Humaitá River deep in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest of Acre Estate. He works together in his village with Ninawá Pai da Mata guiding the Spiritual work and cultural activities in the community, he began his spiritual studies at young age, and spend time of his life doing dietas in isolation in the forest, studying and dieting with their sacred plants.
In addition to the masculine Huni Kuin energy we are delighted to have the special presence of the Huni Kuin Kaxinawá feminine energy sharing her knowledge from the tribe, sacred body paintings, sacred songs chants from the woman’s tradition and supporting the tour with the feminine Huni Kuin energy.
Dani Shawãrakani is an artisan specialized in sacred Huni Kuin arts with beads and weaving and she is studying the medicinal plants with her mother, and also enthusiastic studying the traditional chants from the Huni Kuin Tradition and the songs with the guitar. She Vinicius’s wife, and comes from Boa Sorte village, located in Humaitá Huni Kuin indigenous land in Acre, Amazon, Brazil. This is her 3rd time traveling outside Brazil, she been recently to a tour in South Africa, and she comes to Europe to share her knowledge of the Huni Kuin sacred feminine.
They come to Europe to spread their message, love and wisdom and to teach the ancient ways and cosmology of their tribe, and to create the alliance with the European familia in order to streghnten the works in their villages, and to promote their festivals, retreats, and projects activities in their villages deep in the Amazon Rainforest of Acre Estate in Brazil.
The Kaxinawá Tribe or Huni Kuin (true people) as they calls themselves, are a remote and ancient tribe situated deep in the Amazon Rainforest.
Between Brazil and Peru, and are in neighboring territories to the Asháninkas, the Yawanawa and Shawãdawa Tribes.
In the Kaxinawá society a Shaman is known as a 'Pajé'. The Pajé has the spiritual power to heal and cure people; they are the middleman between this plane of existence and the spiritual realms. The shaman’s communes with the spirits & plants. Luckily as they are so remote in the Amazon, the missionaries did not make it them to try and convert their tribal beliefs, so their wisdom has stayed mainly intact. Today they face many new and immediate problems arising, threatening their ancient tribal way of life, as they are surrounded by the destruction of Mama Amazon, the sacred plants, trees and animals and ecosystems and the many rivers begins to encroach on their territory.
The Huni Kuin’s & indigenous people receive their knowledge and wisdom over many thousands of years from the forest, the rivers, the plants, the elements, trees and animals. They are the true caretakers; Guardians and protectors of the Amazon Rainforest and their medicines spiritual traditions.
"condition, be it mental, physical or spiritual, this knowledge must be protected and their ancient way of life.
You have an incredible opportunity to heal with them, and pray with them in a beautiful authentic and traditional circles coming straight from the hearth of the Huni Kuin people of Acre, Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest."
Ljubljana 11 AUGUST 2018
After an incredible 2017 Europe Tour, we are truly blessed to have the Kaxinawa’s – Huni Kuin’s returning in July, August & September to carry on the profound healings, messages for the planet and tribal teachings. For those of you that attended last year’s retreat’s with them you will know how profound these sacred traditional circles are!

We are overjoyed at their returning and this time bringing together Tuwe Huni Kuin, which are another important Spiritual Leader of the Huni Kuin people from Novo Futuro Village, Acre and this year together also with one Huni Kuin Woman from the tribe to also bringing the female Huni Kuin power to carry on the powerful healing work with the Huni Kuin Indigenous!

He is the Spiritual Leader and Pajé of his village Boa Vista, and he is the co-organizer of the Nukun Dewe Festival in his village, and President of their Indigenous charity Yube Inu. His knowledge on the medicinal plants, sacred chants, and healing arts is vast. And we truly honored to having him returning to Europe for the 4th year to share his ancient knowledge and sacred chants.
Tuwe Huni Kuin is a Spiritual Leader and one of the Pajés from the Novo Futuro Village, located in the Humaitá River deep in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest of Acre Estate. He works together in his village with Ninawá Pai da Mata guiding the Spiritual work and cultural activities in the community, he began his spiritual studies at young age, and spend time of his life doing dietas in isolation in the forest, studying and dieting with their sacred plants.
In addition to the masculine Huni Kuin energy we are delighted to have the special presence of the Huni Kuin Kaxinawá feminine energy sharing her knowledge from the tribe, sacred body paintings, sacred songs chants from the woman’s tradition and supporting the tour with the feminine Huni Kuin energy.
They come to Europe to spread their message, love and wisdom and to teach the ancient ways and cosmology of their tribe, and to create the alliance with the European familia in order to streghnten the works in their villages, and to promote their festivals, retreats, and projects activities in their villages deep in the Amazon Rainforest of Acre Estate in Brazil.
The Kaxinawá Tribe or Huni Kuin (true people) as they calls themselves, are a remote and ancient tribe situated deep in the Amazon Rainforest.
Between Brazil and Peru, and are in neighboring territories to the Asháninkas, the Yawanawa and Shawãdawa Tribes.
In the Kaxinawá society a Shaman is known as a 'Pajé'. The Pajé has the spiritual power to heal and cure people; they are the middleman between this plane of existence and the spiritual realms. The shaman’s communes with the spirits & plants. Luckily as they are so remote in the Amazon, the missionaries did not make it them to try and convert their tribal beliefs, so their wisdom has stayed mainly intact. Today they face many new and immediate problems arising, threatening their ancient tribal way of life, as they are surrounded by the destruction of Mama Amazon, the sacred plants, trees and animals and ecosystems and the many rivers begins to encroach on their territory.

The Huni Kuin’s & indigenous people receive their knowledge and wisdom over many thousands of years from the forest, the rivers, the plants, the elements, trees and animals. They are the true caretakers; Guardians and protectors of the Amazon Rainforest and their medicines spiritual traditions.
"condition, be it mental, physical or spiritual, this knowledge must be protected and their ancient way of life.
You have an incredible opportunity to heal with them, and pray with them in a beautiful authentic and traditional circles coming straight from the hearth of the Huni Kuin people of Acre, Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest."
Ljubljana 11 AUGUST 2018
Štajerska 16, 17, 18 AUGUST 2018 - resident retreat in Slovenian deep forrest
14. avgust 2018 Ljubljana at 19:00-23.00
15. August 2018 Maribor at 19: 00-23:00
To purchase the ticket, please write to for receiving the payment info and directions for the rape ceremony by email, tickets not available at the location.
WHERE: the location is provided at the time of the purchase of the ticket, the location is accessible with the city bus.
Every presence is important for the love of humanity. A person's prayers radiance touches thousands of hearts.
14. avgust 2018 Ljubljana at 19:00-23.00
Thank you for your trust.
Sopra sima sopra frenti so allegria
Haux Haux
Yuxibu team
Sopra sima sopra frenti so allegria
Haux Haux
Yuxibu team