Txana Ikakuru & Nãke Huni Kuin – Boas Vista – Acre – Brasil


Sacred Medicine Huni Kuin circle
June 7, 8  2019 Slovenia.
June 13, 14  2019 Austria.

Dear friends of forrest and Huni Kuin Tribe, 

Once again the tribes from the heart of Brazil guided by the Sacred Medicines will unite us in praying to transform into a more conscious beings. Our vision is to Harmonise through a Prayer of unity, build alliances all over the World, recognise and respect the differences of the various Tribes and open ourselves together to the beauty of each spiritual path. 

We are offering this beautiful opportunity to join us in Slovenia and Austria, a spiritual and cultural exchange, a sharing of Wisdom from the Sacred Medicine from Acre Brazil with paje Txana Ikakuru and his 13 year old daughter Nãke.

Txana Ikakuru

Txana Ikakuru lives in his native Huni Kuin village in the upper Jordão River located in Acre - Amazon, Brazil. He is the grandson of Romão Sales (who was one of the main guardians of the sacred and ancient Huni Kuin chants of Nixi Pae) and grandson of the 105 years old Master Kaxinawá Shaman Mukaya (In Memoriam). Txana Ikakuru was chosen by them to carry the ancient Huni Kuin lineage of the sacred chants of the Nixi Pae & the healing knowledge.

Nãke Huni Kuin, daughter  of Txana Ikakuru is carrying as well the ancestral linage of the amazon forrest wisdom. Her royal forrest presence teaches us to wakes up the pride in our soul, always presenting ourselves in the best manner. Her father taught her ancient chantings and playing amazing forrest rhythms, accompanying the guitar. It is now for the first time Nãke leaving her home in the forrest. We are taking her to Slovenia and Austria to explore the beauty of our lands and expend her vision of the world.

Sacred ceremonies 

The ceremonies are designed as a two nights retreats from Friday to Sunday in a well chosen retreat centre or nature based facility, as well possibility of only one night participation.

Ceremony dates 

Slovenia         7 & 8 June 2019
Austria         13 & 14 June 2019

Price one ceremony is 170 Euros. 

The ceremony locations provides all facilities for additional 35 Euros. 

The usual proceeder to reserve a personal place is with 50% advanced payment.

Public Huni Kuin concert and sacred rape circle prayer

We are also hosting public concert & rape circle in both countries.

Slovenia  12.6.2019  at 19:30. 
Austria  19.6.2019   at 19:30.

One concert ticket is 50 euros.

For bookings and all additional inquiry pls. contact Mojca on email:

Blessings and dance with you soon !

Haux Haux 
Juxibu events