apply to 


find your eternal voice in 
 the divine creation

22.12.2024  to 2.1.2024


The priice includes everything the moment you step on the boat on the 20th  untill you step out of the boat on the 2nd January. 

19 DEC  ...  meeting point   hotel Prolink. 

Tarauaca, Acre  : registration, shopping for hammocks and other necessities, dinner.

20 DEC 6:00  embarking on boats to Novo Futuro

22 DEC arriving to Novo Futuro and opening the music Txana Rewerā festival


2. DEC back to Tarauaca

Please arrive to Tarauaca latest on 19 th December

for transport from Rio Branco to Tarauaca contact Renata via Whatsup +55 68 99916 10000.. option for flying with aero taxi, group vans or taxi !

Connecting the healing power of ceremonies and music

With youthful  joy in our hearts we are inviting you to embark on a special journey with us in the Brazilian rainforest. Traveling to a music retreat festival  in the middle of the amazon jungle to find your own melody and voice of your unique divine expression ! 

As a child, the first thing we started doing was singing. A child even speaks musically.  Logic comes later. Thinking comes later. Music comes first in a child. So does the entire creation. The whole creation is singing because in the whole creation there’s a certain rhythm. 

Music,  taken as an entertainment, has less energy, less healing power. And music, when sung at ceremonies with full heart and devotion, in a meditative state or among  healers, pajés and txanas  has much more power. 

You might have heard many concerts, but when you sit and join the ceremony, don’t you feel it’s very different? 

Dear friends of healing music and deep jungle, 

spiritual leaders of Novo Futuro are inviting you  to participate in a unique Txana Rewrā music festival retreat in the Nouvo Futruo Villege, Acre, Brazil  where we will merge the healing music of old huni kuin chants into music and to find your unique voice !!

 We are living a the new age where not only our western culture is transforming, also the native people of the amazon are enriching their chants prayers originally  accompanied only by shaker(maraka) nowdays with guitars. The healing forrest mantras are transformed into music like mantras into bhajan in the vedic branch of music called somaveda. So many parallels with the east and we are part of this transformational era. How fortunate we are to be able to dance and sing while praying for love and peace !

The new generation discovered guitars, the strings and  the melodies that touch and heal our hearts with joy.  Mother  ayahuasca nixi pae was happy for this new conscious to be enriched by this beauty and soon all Huni Kuins gatherings are played with guitars and other instruments. 


When you sit in ceremonies and listen to music, it’s uplifting.We start the healing process with joy ! With allegria !  In Ceremonies, don’t worry about whether you’re a good singer or a bad singer. Just join the chorus. Everyone sings together. There’s no need to analyze our own singing. Just be natural !

Txana Sia will  offer Hamapya incitations ! A ceremony called “opening the voice”. The voice healing happens on physical, spiritual and mental bodies, working to open your unique expression and supporting in the study of the sacred songs. During the immersion we will connect with pure traditions and healing power of Amazon. It will be a healing through magical musical ceremoies in the night as well during the day.  



Txana Yube Kayawe is the elder son of Seya Yawanawa and Shana, the chief of the Huni Kuin tribe.  He was born in the village of Novo Futuro, as a member of the Huni Kuin tribe.

Since he was four years old, he has been sitting in ceremonies with his father, Shane Huni Kuin, and the elders of the tribe, deepening his spiritual practice and knowledge.

Txana Yube is the bearer of the ancient Huni Kuin lineage of sacred songs. Yube is part of the Eskawata Kayawey group led by Ninawa Pai da Mata and is a representative of the younger generations of the Huni Kuin tribes. He works towards strengthening the culture and tradition of the Amazon rainforest, preserving the sacred tradition and bringing healing to people.

The young Yube shaman, started his spiritual journey and sharing knowledge with pajé Ninawa Pai da Mata, has been independently bringing the secrets of the rainforest and its healing to Africa, Europe and Latin America for the past few years.

Txana Yube was chosen by the elders as the bearer of the ancient Huni Kuin lineage of Nixi Pae's sacred chants and healing knowledge. His knowledge of medicinal plants, sacred songs and the art of healing is rich. He works extensively with young people in his community and shares knowledge about culture and ancestry. He is known in his tribe as the leader of the Nixi Pae sacred ceremonies and a great singer.
As a ritual performer with Nixi Pae, he is respected for his dedication to passing on and preserving his culture. He studied forest medicine and spiritual diets in his village. He went through a whole series of diets during his training to conduct ceremonies: Baptism Diet (Nixpu Pimá), Pepper diet (Hãpaya), Sapo diet (Kãpu), twice Sacred potatoes diet (Mukah) and Boa diet (Yube).
He learned traditional songs and prayers from the elders, the ancient guardians of knowledge. Txana Yube is a messenger of the new age and travels to share the culture and spiritual heritage of his people in Europe, Africa and Latin America.

He is supported by strong ancestral lineages and bring with them the mighty force of the Amazon rainforest. The sacred songs they will share with us are healing chants that call upon the spirits of the forest, animals, birds, flowers, plants, sky, stars, moon, sun and water to transform humanity.
These sacred songs are incredibly powerful in opening the heart and helping us to remember our true essence, which is not separate from nature or each other.


 Siã is a young Txana, born in Novo Futuro,  baptized to initiate us into opening our core voice with traditional Hampaya ceremony. Following the Muka diet his power to share love and healing to people became so powerful, that only being in his presence we feel free and happy.  Siã has been studying the path of shamanism since he was a child. He comes from a long lineage of healers, pajés. He is one of the main singing force at the major festival Eskawata Kayawey. This winter was his first travel to Europe, straight to Balkan region. His powerful youthful and soft voice is bringing so much joy to ceremonies. 


On this journey  The father of the forrest opened our voices with his strong musical presence int the world of medicine music. His presence is already commitet to other parts in the world at that time, and he directed many youngsters from this villege to continue this new tradition of praying through joyfull singing. 

Novo Futuro is the and all new generations are keeping the energy  high there the far forrest, as joy, sacred singing, dancing and love to be the ultimate freedom of the soul. Thanx to Ninawa and other eldsers the

 Ninawa is one the main references of the Huni Kuin people due to the recognition in many countries of the world of his healing work through the medicine. He is also a superb musician.  As leader of his village Ninawa has been preparing the children to take on the role of representatives of his people

He  is an ancient wisdom keeper, spiritual leaderhe and Chief of the Novo Futuro Village,  located in the Amazon Forest, Acre, Brazil. Coming from an unbroken lineage of powerful pajés and musicians. Father of the forrest has been on the shamanic path since he was born.
He has undertaken the highest initiations (dietas) of his tribe, some of which lasted up to a whole year of isolation and fasting in the forest. Ninawa’s work is focused on sharing and spreading the Huni Kuin culture and spirituality, conducting ceremonies and healing retreats all over the world. He also works as a musician, bringing instruments to traditional Huni Kuin chants. A man with a huge heart and abundant charisma and power, Ninawa spreads joy and love wherever he goes.
 Since he started traveling in 2013 he quickly became known as one of the original rockstars from the forest. He is a gifted musician and captivates people wherever he goes with his charisma and power and sharing his message of nature, love and humility. He has appeared at Glastonbury Festival, Medicine Festival, in the UK, as well as one of the main spiritual leaders of the annual Aniwa gathering in the the USA.

The Huni Kuin – “the genuine people” – are an Indigenous society in the state of Acre, Brazil. They live in harmony with the rainforest and its wildlife.


The Huni Kuin people, or "real people" as they call themselves, live predominantly in the Brazilian Amazon, but their territories extend to the foothills of the Andes in eastern Peru. The Huni Kuin is the largest indigenous population in the Brazilian state of Acre, currently living in twelve indigenous territories along seven different rivers: Purus, Envira, Murú, Humaitá, Tarauacá, Breu and Jordão. The native language is "hatxa kuin" (real language).

They came into contact with the Western world relatively late. Despite decades of persecution, they managed to preserve knowledge and traditions and pass them on to the next generations. During the exploitation of rubber and latex, hundreds of indigenous people were enslaved. Because of the ban on their language and culture, they continued to secretly perform their sacred rites, consecrate Nixi Pae, and sing their sacred songs to this day.
Spiritual practices have an important place in their lives. Healing rituals with plants are extremely important for their worldview and collective use.
After several decades of struggle with the authorities and illegal loggers, their native Kaxinawá land along the Jordão River was finally recognized in 1991 and since then they have once again been the rightful owners of this part of the Amazon forest. This new era has connected them with people who help them in new ways of organizing and asserting their needs. You too are part of this amazing support network!

Today, the Huni Kuin people travel the world as messengers of the forest, reconnecting humanity and Mother Nature and sharing their spiritual practices, songs, art and forest medicine. Myths in the Huni Kuin tradition tell that in ancient times forest animals and people were so close that they talked and reported to each other, enchanted creatures and people shared the forest and its secrets.


the main intatnrion of this fetival music retreat si to find our voice in the eternal melodY of the univese.. yuxibu with Hampaya incitation


Hampaya is known as the voice opening ceremony of the Huni Kuin indigenous group from the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest. 

In this ceremony, the leader  invokes the spirit of the Txana bird, a bird that can imitate all sounds of the forest, the best singer. He applies special paste from crushed chili peppers (pimenta do reino) to participants tongues while simultaneously praying in his native language. This allows the opening and strengthening of the participant's voice, to sing and express oneself better or even learn a language. One shouldn’t take the tounge back in to the mouth until all the saliva has come through.

Hampaya is a ritual connected to the txanas, the singers, so that theit voice may be clear, and strong and they can communicate the chants and songs very well.

In this highly valued and mistical workshop Txana Siã and Txana Yube invite you to explore the ancient technology of voice opening prayers and chants through the traditional songs of their people.

These sacred prayers, passed down through generations, hold the key to invoking the spirits of the medicines to bring in healing and harmony. 

The workshop delves into the three essential phases of  invoking the voice ceremony prayer—calling the force (Pãe txanimá), invoking the visions (Hawã Dau Tibuya), and balancing the force (Kaya Tibu). Each chant serves a distinct purpose, contributing to the healing, cleansing, and harmonizing of individuals and the space. 

Txana Siã and Txana Yube reveal the intricate meanings behind the sacred words, emphasizing their role in connecting with the spirits and channeling energy for healing purposes.

Representatives of Huni Kuin tribe offer a deep dive into the “Eskawata Kayawei” prayer—a Kaya Tibu invoking healing and transformation. This powerful prayer calls upon the elements of nature, from water and earth to the sun and stars, aligning with the Creator's energy. Siã and Yube go line by line to teach the song and explain its meaning in depth and then shows how to play it on the guitar.

Sacred Medicine Ceremonies Uni (Ayahuasca) , Rapė, Hampaya,  Kapun and Sananga 

Body Painting- the study of the sacred designs called KENE 

Smudging Circles with Sipá; sacred resin 

Drumming Classes - Learning the Huni Kuin Drum Rhythm 

Daily Music Classes (Traditional Chants  with interpretation & Guitar), learning songs and their meanings

Traditional dancing of the sacred snake Xiboa

Sacred Clay Bath (Mapu) Ceremony

Traditional Storytelling and knowledge

Jewelry and Crafts Bazaar

Sacred Herbal Bath Ceremony 

Traditional Rahpe & Sananga Circles

Traditional Food and vegan native cuisine 

Time to rest in cosy hammock in your huts

During the Music Retreat we will be received by a warm team of Huni Kuin caretakers, including Plant Medicine doctors, Pajes (Shamans)  as well as young upcoming leaders of the community. 



Today the value of money has reached a stage where it has no value anymore. It comes and goes and the best bank for our souls is the prayer. 

This music festival is adapted to the country your are coming from, as we know that average income varies in Europe from country to country. Please see bellow the rate of your origin.

More than money is the knowledge, it is the conscious that we will go with us when we live our bodies to mother Earth to nurture herself. 

Instead of adding additional  500 euro to the price we are asking you to bring to the jungle guitars,  instruments, songs and your knowledge of music  and leave it there for the people of the village in the jungle. 

We all know some uncle, friend, neighbor who has a guitar at home collecting the dust while waiting to be played,  a violin who longs to be tuned, an  old drum who wants to live again. Suggest this friends to support the Huni Kuin people in the forrest with donating his/her instruments. The spirit in them will be so happy to support. When we feel we can share something our hearts start to beat and even if we are far away from the persons who will be so happy to receive this instrument.

The blessings will reach all corners of the world where the heart is pure and gives good intentions. 


19 DEC 

Tarauaca, Acre  : registration, shopping for hammocks and other necessities, dinner.

20 DEC 6:00  embarking on boats to Novo Futuro

22 DEC arriving to Novo Futuro and opening the music Txana Rewerā festival


2. DEC back to Tarauaca

Please arrive to Tarauaca latest on 19 th December .


The exchange for the immersion includes: boat trip Tarauaca to Novo Futuro and back. All the activities in the village including the individual session with the pajé, ‘opening the voice’ - initiation, shared accommodation and meals in the village, translation.
Important: The exchange does not include travel costs to Tarauaca and the stay (food and accommodation) in Tarauaca before and after the journey. We will make reservation of the hotel which you pay on spot directly on the reception. 

Contribution for the immersion in the village: 1500 to 2000 Euros

To reserve your spot is 50 % of the total sum, which is non refundable but replaceable with another person. The rest of 50 % is payed in cash on the registration day in the hotel of Tarauaca. 

(according to the exchange rate on 20 the December 2024)

Bank details will be provided upon registration.


In the village we will sleep in our hammocks in a shared space.

We will eat simple, traditional food such as yucca, corn, rice, nuts, beans, fish and eggs. Fresh vegetables and fruits are limited. You can bring your own super food snacks to support with the nutrition, vitamin powders, seeds, dried fruits, nuts etc.

There’s  no internet in the village for participantes.

You will be able to charge your electronic devices with limitation. It is good to bring a power bank. 

To wash your clothes please bring a biodegradable soap.

In the rainforest we have a lot of mosquitos, especially during the daytime. The best way to protect yourself is to wear long cotton natural clothing and socks at all times. In Tarauaca you can find strong mosquito repellents and ointments for the bites like andiroba, citronella and dragon blood.

Diet before the travel to the jungle.


Alcohol, Marijuana

all street drugs

refined sugars or sweets (fruits ok)

junk food

fermented foods

red meat

sexual activities



You  fly to Tarauaca, through  Rio Branco, Acre from Sao Paulo or from Rio de Janeiro. It is most often cheaper to buy the flights in two parts: from Europe to SP / Rio de Janeiro and from SP / Rio de Janeiro to Rio Branco. Inland Brazilian flights you can find with Latam and Gol.


We recommend that you have a travel insurance. 


Vaccinations are up to your personal choice. There is no Malaria in the area.


Please only take as much weight with you as you can carry by yourself.

Reusable water bottle with a filter or tablets to purify drinking wate

Headlamp with red light option + extra batteries (please take used batteries back home with you as they cannot be safely disposed of in Acre)

Natural toiletries / hygiene products

Mosquito repellent and sunscreen

Something to sit on during the ceremonies

Musical instruments 

Journal and a pen

Extra rope to hang your clothes to dry and some zipper plastic bags to cover your special items from humidity.

Extra cash in Brazilian Real if you wish to buy art, crafts and rapé in the village

Sleeping bag and/or blanket 

Rubber boots and raincoat (can be bought in Tarauaca )

Flip flops or athletic wet/dry sandals such as Crocs

Loose, lightweight clothing (quick-dry) that cover all your skin – weill have heat and a lot of mosquitos


Sunglasses, sun hat

Warmer clothes for the nights 

cluttery,  cup, plate


we will buy togther  each a hammack , mosquito net and ropes ... beautiful item to take hom ( by the way, sleeping in hammack resolve your back pain )


Please prepare to exchange or order the necessary amount of Brazilian Real before arriving in Tarauaca. In Tarauaca  or Rio Branco (neither at the airport nor in the city) you will be able to exchange the necessary amount of currency.

You can order the money in your local bank or via currency exchange company. Usually the companies have better rates than the banks and many offer a pick up at the airports. If you prefer to exchange in Brazil you will need to do it in the big cities like Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the safest is at the airport.

The last payment of the journey will be done in cash in Tarauaca, Acre before heading to the forest. The payment is  50 % .. 750 or 1000 euro in Brazilian Real according to the exchange rate. 


To book your spot on this journey please write to 


Prices are adapted to the country you come from

Countryprice euro
 San Marino2000
 United Kingdom2000
 Czech Republic1500
 North Macedonia1500
 Bosnia and Herzegovina1500